Suvarna Habitate, Flat No 302, Near: Hotel Best Western Ashoka, Madhapur, Hyderabad, India
Business Hours: Monday — Friday: 11 am to 8 pm
Phone No: +91 888 55 888 51
Skype: ink results
7 Tootal Rd, Springvale South, VIC 3172, Melbourne, Australia
Business Hours: Monday — Friday: 11 am to 8 pm
Phone No: +61 4500 76242
Skype: ink results
We closely monitor all your consumer reviews and activities about your brand on Internet. Our team also keeps an eye on all your business social media accounts, local business listings, and review websites to stay updated about your customer experience.
We manage all your social media accounts and business listing accounts 24/7. We listen and respond to all your business consumer complaints & reviews about your services.
We reduce negative feedback reviews on your business social media accounts, business listings and on review based websites. We talk to negative feedback consumers and take necessary steps to resolve their concerns related to service and try to retain a happy client to the business.
We create & promote positive reviews about your business on social media, business listings, review websites, forums, and communities. We neutralize the negative feedback from customers to create a positive vibe for upcoming consumers.
Our creative content writers team takes an active part in Forums, Discussion communities to discuss about your business and the quality of your service as one of your business consumers.
We use several tools & softwares like SEM Rush, Mention & Google Alerts to monitor your online reputation 24/7. We take action to all positive feedback and reviews with appreciating the message and respond to negative feedback & revise to solve criticisms about business products.
High trust: People read and gather reviews and opinions before making a decision about buying a service or a product. Positive reviews help to earn trust from upcoming business clients. Brand recommendations from friends and family create more trust and sales.
More Sales: Brands with a better reputation and positive reviews make good business sales. Consumers who want to use new service or purchase a new product, they read reviews about the product or services and acquire information from friends about the service.
Understand More About Your Business: Your business consumer reviews and opinions will give you a better understanding of your business and an opportunity to improve your business experience for your clients.
It helps in Repairing Reputation damage: If your product or service has a bad reputation among people’s opinion we will create a clear path to renovate your reputation and devise a clear plan of action to repair your brand damage and to create a positive brand name.
Positive Reviews = Positive Search Rankings: Developing good brand popularity will show a direct impact on Search rankings of your business website. The more people talk about your brand the more superior backlinks and the more search rankings you are rewarded.
Improve Customer Experience: Evaluating reviews and collecting your client opinions about your product will give chance to improve your customer practice and well-defined customer uncertainties and difficulties.